Sunday, September 9, 2012

Beats by Dre- A Successful Marketing Mix

Beats By Dre are the most successful high end headphones in the ma kt place right now. They have a unique product that has been very successful, and Ive come to the conclusion... they executed there marketing mix extremely well.

Beats by Dre are head hones that unique in there level of quality and also there ability to personalize there products. The ability for consumers to customize there headphones is completely different from any of there competitors. They also offer one arguably the best headphones on the market.

These headphones are readily available by ever major Internet retailer on the Internet. I believe they decided to put the headphones the majority of the time on the Internet not only because of how many people get on the net but because of the age group. which are the youngest consumer groups ranging from pre teens to gen Xe's. they also hold there products at local retailers like best buy.

They have been very innovative in there advertising. In today's pop culture people follow celebrities in almost a cult like manner attempting to consume all of the products there favorite celebrities endorse. Initially basketball player on TV getting there close up shot before and after the game. players such as Leron James and Kevin Durant have been seen wearing the head phones. the inspiration behind the headphones is legendary hip hop producer Dr. Dre, and because of his iconic status in the music industry there have been many other celebrities being seen wearing these headphones.

The price that these headphones would normally be considered out rageous at a price of 350 dollars but they are doing extremely well. though they do have some completion from companies like sms audio and Sony no one has been able to match the innovation in the time affective period  beats by Dre has done.